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Trust Your Intuition!

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Do your listen to your instincts and trust your gut?

A wise teacher told me many years ago to honour my intuition, follow my hunches, and trust where my gut wants to take me. So I began practicing this with interesting results!

We may not always know at the time why our intuition guides us in the direction it does, perhaps it is sparing us from a traffic jam, a destructive relationship, or some other misfortune. More often though, it is a golden pathway for our good, and the reason for the hunch can become obvious very quickly.

Each Sunday I go to the markets for fresh, spray free produce. There is a yoga studio just metres from my favourite produce stall. For months I have endeavoured to get organised earlier so that I could try this yoga studio and get to the 8.30am Sunday class.

This week I had a strong feeling to go to that class. I had left it a bit late as usual! I'd walked the dogs, done some food prep, noticed the over ripe bananas in the fruit bowl and turned them into banana bread. I knew I'd be pushing it to get there on time, and yet I still felt the pull to go to this class.

I was beginning to feel stressed as I saw the clock quickly ticking away. I couldn't find my yoga mat, still had to throw the fruit and veg trolley and my shopping bags in, hadn't pre-purchased a ticket... "argh I should just forget about it and try again next week", the reasoning mind said, but the hunch was strong and said "go anyway, just turn up with what you have, borrow a mat from them, ask if you can pay at the door, go"!

I arrived at the studio five minutes late to find a small group of participants sitting on the stairs outside the locked studio. They explained that this had never happened before. The usual teacher was away and the substitute hadn't shown up. They apologised profusely when they learned it was to be my first time there. I didn't mind, I was relieved I wasn't late! They had tried messaging the studio owner with no response. I was still keen to participant in the class if they could get an instructor that morning so decided to call the studio owner myself and see. She answered! Then investigated, and explained that the class would have to be cancelled, she was apologetic. It was really no bother to me, I was happy to try another time.

About an hour later I received a text from the studio owner. She was offering me 2 weeks of unlimited classes FOR FREE at her studio to apologise for the inconvenience of that morning!!!! Oh my goodness!!! Absolutely not necessary, but wow! I felt so appreciative and cannot wait to use this!

If I had not followed that call, which was more like a magnetic pull in my gut, I would not have met seven beautiful souls who are part of that yoga community. I would not have felt nor experienced their kindness to me, they were so welcoming! I would not have met the beautiful owner, and I would not be attending multiple yoga classes over the next two weeks!

This is the power of our intuition. It really is our own, very special, GPS. Perfectly attuned within each of us, for each of us.

I invite you to experiment with it this week (and beyond!) Notice it, listen to it, follow it's wisdom. I'd be really interested to hear where it takes you!

Emma xx

ⓒEmma Jane @ Nurture For You 2022 - no portion of this post may be lifted, copied, quoted, reworked or reproduced without written permission from the author. I can be contacted at to request such permission.

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