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Navigating 'Have To'

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Do you ever feel as an adult that the daily 'have to's' in life outweigh the things that bring you joy? Do you get tired of doing the same things day in and out, week after week? Have you ever wondered how it ended up that way, and if it could be different?

I suspect it stems from social conditioning, or perhaps it's an expected way of doing things that has been passed down the ancestral line? I wonder why we continue to subscribe to it? Perhaps financial pressure renders us unsure how to do it any other way?

As we get older some of the circumstances that we find ourselves in, the ways in which we do life, our beliefs, and the choices we've made can start to feel dissonant and out of alignment. I wonder if it's possible to step outside of them? Discard them as we would an an old overcoat that no longer fits us properly. Can it be that simple? There are certain responsibilities and commitments that come with being an adult, granted, some circumstances are harder to change than others, but as adults we do have choices.

Steve Jobs, in his Stanford commencement address in 2005 said;

"For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."

Do these have to be radical changes? Do we have to take a match to our lives? I don't think so. I think there is huge power in the seemingly insignificant choices we make everyday. It is in the small moment to moment choices that we can consciously begin to track our lives in an entirely different direction.

As you navigate the 'have to's' of your own life I encourage you to make time for things that light you up. Not sure what they are anymore? Start small. Buy the flowers, read the book, do the workshop, plan the holiday, take a nap, treat yourself. Do things, be with people, and go places, that ignite that little spark of happiness, joy, or excitement inside of you. Even if it's only a tiny thing, I encourage you to do a little something just for you, one little sparkly thing a week. Who knows where it might lead you.

Emma xx

ⓒEmma Jane @ Nurture For You 2022 - no portion of this post may be lifted, copied, quoted, reworked or reproduced without written permission from the author. I can be contacted at to request such permission.

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2 comentarios

10 oct 2022

What a great reminder and I will make more space in my life for doing sparkly things. I find it tricky to even know what sparkly things I could add. This week I’m going to make space to make a music playlist as that really lights me up. Thank you 🙏🏽!!

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Emma Jane
Emma Jane
11 oct 2022
Contestando a

That is perfect Kate. That's all it is, something little to get those tiny sparkles bubbling :)

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